Subject Line: Don’t believe everyone, but Mark knows his stuff
Hi [fname],
Success in the nonprofit and association world is a seriously misunderstood area. In fact even I look to other experts when dealing with it.
That’s where Mark Buzan comes in. What his guy doesn't know about taking a board from Good to GREAT isn’t worth knowing.
From his perspective, it comes down to LEADERSHIP and giving boards the tools they need WITHOUT overwhelming them.
That’s why the coming NonProfit Board Summit from the Society of NonProfit Board Directors is second to none when it comes to truly showing board members on how they can:
Make a real IMPACT with their limited volunteer time
Leave a LEGACY
Inspire other board members and staff to new and higher levels of performance
Check it out here. We wouldn’t be recommending this summit if we didn't believe it will work for anyone looking to make a real impact as a volunteer leader for nonprofits and associations.
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